Saturday 23 March 2013

National Puppy Day 2013

This is just a very quick post about a day that is very close to my heart - National Puppy Day!  On 23rd March 2013, it will be the 8th anniversary of this day which not only encourages us to appreciate puppies and the joy and magic they bring to our lives, but also tries to educate and raise awareness about adopting puppies and stopping the evil and horrific practices of Puppy Farming.

I found out about National Puppy Day last year and try to do what I can to educate others as my dogs have meant the world to me and were the only things that kept me going through this illness.  No animal deserves to be used and abused by humans just for profit.  

Please, please, please can you read the posts I have written about National Puppy Day and Puppy Mills and forward them to as many people as possible.

Thank you so much!

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